
COMEY IN HOT WATER=> FBI Misled FISA Court by Omitting Christopher Steele LIED About His Contact With Media Outlets (VIDEO)

- Februari 07, 2018

On Tuesday, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) released a “much-less redacted,” version of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s criminal referral of dossier author Christopher Steele.

Comey is in hot water. The unredacted memo reveals the FBI misled the FISA court about Christopher Steele’s contacts with the media outlets.

On September 23rd 2016, Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News ran a story about Trump’s campaign advisor Carter Page and his possible ‘secret channels’ to Russia. Not only did this Yahoo article come from Christopher Steele, it was used in the FISA application to obtain a FISA warrant.

According to the Senate Judiciary criminal referral, Steele lied to the FBI about his contacts with the media such as Yahoo News and Mother Jones. Steele previously told the FBI that he had not spoken to the media.

Grassley reveals the FBI KNEW Steele lied about his contact with media outlets, yet they DID NOT disclose this very pertinent information to the FISA court.

The FBI misled the FISA court yet again about their rockstar dossier author Christopher Steele.

It is a crime to lie to the FBI. (unless you’re Hillary Clinton).

Ed Henry of Fox News reported:

“The Grassley memo tonight now goes on to say that in fact the FBI then went back after learning that Christopher Steele misrepresented things and did talk to the media–the FBI never disclosed that to the FISA court and kept going back for renewals of the surveillance warrant and didn’t say to the court look things have changed, we no longer think he’s reliable–he lied to us and spoke to the media.


On January 5th, Senate Judiciary Chair Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) sent a letter to Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding they investigate if Christopher Steele lied to federal authorities.

The letter was the first criminal referral from Congress.

Sean Hannity taunted James Comey on Tuesday evening.

The post COMEY IN HOT WATER=> FBI Misled FISA Court by Omitting Christopher Steele LIED About His Contact With Media Outlets (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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