
DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison Said He Never Met with Louis Farrakhan – THEN THIS VIDEO WAS RELEASED!

- Februari 13, 2018

The Democratic Party finally has a Deputy Chair who represents the true values of the party.

Keith Ellison has done a wonderful job this year for exposing America to today’s Democrat Party.

Here are a few of his best hits from the past year, via the RNC:
** He said Marxist tyrant Kim Jong Un was more responsible than President Trump

** Compared not giving sanctuary to illegal aliens to not helping Jews in Nazi Germany

** Posted a photo of himself praising the “Antifa” handbook

Now, Ellison has been exposed for lying about a meeting with Louis Farrakhan and the President of Iran in 2013. According to The Wall Street Journal — On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” in December 2016, Mr. Ellison angrily accused his critics of a “smear campaign” for “talking about something that happened in 1995,” when Mr. Ellison was 32.

But Keith wasn’t telling the truth.
Rep. Ellison and fellow Democrat Gregory Meeks had dinner with Louis Farrakhan and Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani in 2013.

The Nation of Islam website posted photos from the dinner.

Ellison and Meeks both participated in the private dinner and discussion.

And now there is video of Louis Farrakhan and Keith Ellison from 2013!

(The video has been up for years but only has 224 views.)

So either Ellison had dinner with Farrakhan numerous times or this was from the dinner with the Iranian leader.
Neither option is good.

For the record Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan: has long been pegged both racist and anti-Semitic. Farrakhan has praised Adolf Hitler, condemned Jews, and spouted off hateful rhetoric about his belief that white people are subhumans created by an ancient African scientist.

Ellison truly is the face of the new DNC.

The post DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison Said He Never Met with Louis Farrakhan – THEN THIS VIDEO WAS RELEASED! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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