
EXCLUSIVE: VICE News Mis-Edits Pro-2A Teen Parkland Survivor’s Message, Took His “Words Completely Out of Context”

- Februari 28, 2018

In an explosive interview with Parkland shooting survivor Thomas Holgate, a number of inconsistencies set forth by the MSM, and circumstances surrounding the shooting and the school itself were discussed, shedding further light on yet another confusing story that seems to take another twist with each passing day. Earlier today, we reported that emergency responders were told to wait outside while the children were bleeding out in the school. Soon after, Fox News’ Laura Ingraham revealed sources told her the Sheriff’s Dept instructed the Broward Deputies NOT to enter the school unless their body cameras were on.

Now this, we are learning that VICE News is yet another network attempting to immorally use these students to shape and drive an anti-conservative/anti-gun message.

Thomas Holgate, a conservative and pro-Second Amendment survivor of the recent shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School carried out by Nikolas Cruz, was edited craftily into a VICE News video that was vehemently anti-gun.

The soon-to-be eighteen-year-old student was thrust into a world of fake news and media spin, taking his words out of context and appropriating them for anti-gun virality.

In a Monday evening Periscope, TGP’s Lucian Wintrich spoke with Holgate about his experience with VICE: “How did you feel watching yourself in that video, Supercuts into footage of people saying, ‘Let’s take everyone’s guns away?'”

“The interview process with VICE did not feel left or right, it felt very much like an independent news source, which I respected,” Holgate recounted.

“My footage was simple. It was me saying that in pop culture, teens are portrayed as immature, so the logic follows: why would you wanna give that a gun? When they didn’t put everything that I said in the video, it was as if they were taking my words completely out of context. It’s me saying, ‘Oh, I don’t think eighteen-year-olds should have guns at all.”


The post EXCLUSIVE: VICE News Mis-Edits Pro-2A Teen Parkland Survivor’s Message, Took His “Words Completely Out of Context” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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