
‘God is Working Hard to Clean Up the Stink’: CNN ‘Talking Head’ CELEBRATES Train Crash Involving GOP Lawmakers

- Februari 01, 2018

Bernie Sanders surrogate and CNN ‘talking head,’ Johnathan Tasini couldn’t hide his excitement about GOP lawmakers being involved in a train crash on the same day Rep. Trey Gowdy announced his retirement from Congress. 

“Wow, btwn train full of Goopers hitting truck and this, God is working hard today to clean up the stink. Thank her. #TreyGowdy #goptrainwreck,” tweeted Tasini.

Soon after, Tasini deleted the tweet and issued an apology.

“Apologies people. It was poked out in midst of convo w 2 colleagues on the deep racism/hypocrisy/criminality promoted by GOP or as GOPer Amanda Carpenter says, gaslighting of America . Deleting,” tweeted the CNN “talking head.”

In a follow-up tweet, the Sanders surrogate claimed he isn’t even employed by CNN, despite his bio saying he is a “talking head,” at the network.

“Let me save you time. I don’t work for CNN. They don’t pay me. They can’t fire me. I apologized nonetheless,” he tweeted.

On January 13th of this year, Tasini wrote a piece for CNN titled, “Why Walmart’s bait and switch matters.”

The train carrying GOP lawmakers today hit a truck on the way to the Republican weekend retreat. One person was killed, reported the Daily Caller.

Gowdy announced Wednesday he will not seek re-election. The House Intelligence Committee member plans to retire from Congress and return to the justice system.

“There is a time to come and a time to go. This is the right time, for me, to leave politics and return to the justice system,” Gowdy said in a statement posted to Twitter.

The post ‘God is Working Hard to Clean Up the Stink’: CNN ‘Talking Head’ CELEBRATES Train Crash Involving GOP Lawmakers appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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