The State Department quietly released more Hillary Clinton documents last week as everyone was waiting in anticipation for the FISA abuse memo to be released.
Hillary Clinton’s emails were saved on her private home brewed server and she was fully aware of it according to new emails released.
A 2012 email exchange with Huma Abedin, Monica Hanley, Hillary Clinton and her aide Justin Cooper with the subject line “My berry died again tonight.” reveals she was well aware all of her emails were saved on her private server.
“It comes back to life once I plug in the charger. Should I try a new battery or get a new
one? And, have we figured out to save all my info?” Hillary Clinton asked her aides regarding her Blackberry device using her account.
Justin Cooper replied immediately to Hillary letting her know all of her information is on her server:
Monica has a new berry for you
We just have to swap them
All of your info is on the sever [server] which you can access on any web enabled The berries
have a capacity — which may be part of why yours isn’t working
Hillary then replied, “Thanks for your help.”
This is just more evidence that Hillary Clinton was well aware that important information was saved on her server. Hillary continues to claim she used a private server for convenience. She knew she had to hide her wheeling and dealing and pay-to-play from the IT team at the State Department which is why she used a private server.
Screenshot below:
As previously reported, Hillary’s aide Justin Cooper admitted to destroying Hillary’s Blackberry devices with a hammer.
It was also reported Hillary Clinton used 13 different Blackberries and 5 iPads all using her private email accounts.
Within weeks of the news breaking Hillary Clinton was using a private server while she was the head of the State Department, the server was wiped clean. Hillary tried to play dumb claiming she didn’t know “C” in the emails stood for “classified”.
This is the woman who thought she was qualified to be the President of the United States of America.
Thank God she lost the 2016 election. It’s time to lock her up!
NEW Hillary Email Reveals She KNEW All Her Info Was on Her Private Server reopen CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION into Hillary email server #QAnon #Qanon8chan WEINER LAPTOP & HUMA ABEDIN co-conspirators
— Jerome Corsi (@jerome_corsi) February 6, 2018
The post New Hillary Emails Reveal Clinton’s Aide Told Her ‘All of Your Info is Saved on the Server’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.