Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has been one of the few Democrats actively speaking out against the GOP tax cuts, usually referring to the benefits that have come about from corporations to people as “crumbs.”
Calling it “crumbs” is at best laughable, and at worst a blatant lie. Corporations have been doing everything from giving out huge bonuses, to opening up employment programs that benefit its workers. Apple announced it was going to take the extra cash garnered from the tax cut to open up a second campus and create 20,000 more jobs.
Pelosi is famously one of the most out of touch politicians in Washington, and also one of the wealthiest. The House Minority Leader is currently worth $100 million dollars, and is hilariously fighting for $100,000 in tax breaks for herself as she seeks to eliminate tax breaks for the people.
This makes Pelosi’s talk about the GOP tax cuts being evil ridiculous to hear, and one person listening to her bash the people getting tax cuts during her town hall in Phoenix, Arizona a little bit too much.
“These are kitchen table issues for America’s families,” said Pelosi. “Most people are not in deadening poverty, but some are. Most people have to struggle to make ends meet.”
“How much are you worth, Nancy?” a woman can be heard yelling.
Instead of acknowledging her own wealth, attempts at tax breaks, et al, Pelosi just dismissed the question out of hand.
“No, we’re not talking about that,” Pelosi said.
“I’m a mother of five, I can speak louder than anybody,” she added while wearing a microphone.
Nancy Pelosi Heckled At Town Hall While Criticizing Tax Reform: “How Much Are You Worth, Nancy?”
She replies: "We're not talking about that."
— Ryan Saavedra
(@RealSaavedra) February 20, 2018
Foolish peasant. Pelosi doesn’t have to answer your questions.
Pelosi may have forgotten what it’s like to have less than $1,000 in their bank account (if she ever did know what that’s like), but 57 percent of American know exactly what that’s like. That extra grand in their pocket solves a lot of problems, and don’t even get me started about what all the new jobs opening up do to help people.
This is the benefit of cutting taxes, and it’s the benefit Pelosi wants to kill.
The post Pelosi Gets Checkmated by Heckler While Bashing GOP Tax Cuts at Town Hall appeared first on RedState.