
Trump Wants His Personal Pilot to Oversee the Federal Aviation Administration

- Februari 26, 2018

President Trump’s habit of picking family and friends to fill important spots really does smack of third world, banana republic, authoritarian monarchy crap.

The latest is what sources say is Trump’s wish to have his personal pilot, John Dunkin, to take over as head of the Federal Aviation Administration.

The FAA has a multibillion dollar budget and is in control of all civil aviation in the nation.

From Axios:

One industry insider equated this to the Seinfeld episode when Cosmo Kramer used his golf caddy as a jury consultant. A senior administration official told me that comparison is completely unfair. The source confirmed Trump recommended Dunkin and that he’s sat for an interview for the post. That source said he was impressive.

Others in line for the position are the current acting FAA administrator Dan Elwell (said to be doing a great job), and Rep. Sam Graves (R-Mo.).

So is Dunkin qualified, or is it just his connection to Trump that’s getting him a foot in the door?

According to the sources that spoke with the folks over at Axios, he’s got a decent resume to help him along.

“John Dunkin isn’t just a pilot,” the administration official told me. “He’s managed airline and corporate flight departments, certified airlines from start-up under FAA regulations, and oversaw the Trump presidential campaign’s air fleet, which included managing all aviation transportation for travel to 203 cities in 43 states over the course of 21 months.”

Not bad.

I still think Trump installing friends and family in key positions is the worst of optics – at minimum. Nothing, however, will beat his making his favored child and her husband close advisers in the White House.

At least Dunkin has some experience related to the position he’s going for.

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