
Florida Man Shoots Wife, Stabs Children, Burns House Down, Blames ‘White Devils’, Shouts ‘Allah Akbar’

- Maret 21, 2018

These days, the only jihad the MSM are interested in is their own, the one against Trump. But the other kind of jihad is still out there, and terror is still part of this world.

Also, gun crime usually tops the news at every opportunity these days. That is, unless the would-be killer is shot by a good guy with a gun, then mum’s the word. Or, you know, if he shouts Allah Akbar.

Which is what Florida murderer Ronnie Oneal allegedly shouted while shooting, murdering, and burning his family.

It turns out Oneal identifies himself as a member of the Nation of Islam, an American sect led by vicious anti-Semite and big pal of Democrat politicians, Louis Farrakhan. You know, the guy who Women’s March (and Student Walkout) organizers back to the hilt.

So not the jihad of 9/11 or the Paris bombing. Still, the Nation and the shout would seem to warrant some news coverage.

Here is what went down, via the Daily Caller:

Police arrested Ronnie Oneal, who identifies as a member of The Nation of Islam, at the house of his partner Kenyatta Barron, in Riverview, Fla., in response to a 911 call from Barron claiming that she had been shot, according to Tampa Bay Times.

Officers found Barron dying of a gunshot wound in the front yard of a neighboring house. Firefighters were responding to a fire set in Barron’s house and found Barron and Oneal’s 9-year-old son, Ronnie Oneal IV, alive but suffering from burns and stab wounds and the couple’s 11-year-old daughter dead from stab wounds.

“I was shocked,” said Walter Ballard, a friend of Oneal who had seen him three days prior, according to Tampa Bay Times. “That’s the only thing that went through my mind: How could he do something like this?”

The dispatcher who answered Barron’s call allegedly said she could hear a male yelling “Allah Akbar” in the background, according to Fox13. Minutes after Barron’s call, Oneal called police, saying, “I’ve just been attacked by some white demons. Her name is Ke-Ke and she tried to kill me and I just killed her.”

It’s not just the caller though. Police, too, reported this.

Officers said that Oneal continually shouted “Allah Akbar” from the back of the police cruiser in which they placed him.

When they found him, he was also shouting that he had been attacked by “white demons.” He also said “She tried to kill me, and I just killed her.”

This is heinous. No, his motivations aren’t known yet. But that’s not too soon to report. It didn’t stop CNN from running an ambush town hall to blame the NRA, why it should stop them from blaming the Nation of Islam or simply Islamic terror? Double standards, I guess.

A woman and a child are dead. A 9-year old boy watched his father kill his mother and sister, was shot by his father, and was set on fire by his father. And his father, living in Florida at the center of so much gun controversy news, shouted Allah Akbar while committing and after committing these acts, according to a witness and the police. He is a member of the Nation of Islam and screamed about “white demons”, a phrase used frequently by Louis Farrakhan, who has been under fire for weeks for virulent racism.

Still not interested, CNN?

Y’all pardon my lack of surprise.

But hey, at least someone was mean to Fox News, right? That’s the important thing.

The post Florida Man Shoots Wife, Stabs Children, Burns House Down, Blames ‘White Devils’, Shouts ‘Allah Akbar’ appeared first on RedState.


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