
Illegal Alien From Mexico Uses Fake Identity For 37 Years to Steal $361,000 in Govt Benefits

- Maret 04, 2018

On Thursday, an illegal alien from Mexico pleaded guilty in a San Diego, CA courtroom of stealing an American’s identity, and pocketing $361,000 in government benefits over a 37-year span.

37 years and our government never caught onto the scam. Let that sink in.

Fox News reported:

Andres Avelino Anduaga, 66 – who hails from Tijuana, Mexico – admitted in San Diego federal court on Thursday that he assumed the fake identity of a Texas resident named Abraham Riojos in 1980 after obtaining a fraudulent birth certificate, and then successfully applied for a California driver’s license, Social Security number and passport.

From 1989 to 2016, according to the plea agreement, he received around $361,000 in benefits — which included Medi-Cal, food stamps and Supplemental Security Income benefits.

The fake identity also enabled Anduaga – identified as an illegal immigrant and repeat felon – to go back-and-forth without restriction between Mexico and the United States, which he was alleged to have been doing multiple times per week.

”The programs that this defendant stole from – for decades – provide benefits to America’s most needy. This prosecution demonstrates the commitment of the United States Attorney’s Office to protecting the integrity of our welfare programs and punishing those who prey on the goodwill of our nation and its taxpayers,” stated U.S Attorney Adam Braverman.

The real Abraham Riojos currently resides in Florida. According to the report, Riojos had no idea his identity was stolen. Authorities say the two men did not know each other and there is no evidence they ever made contact.

Anduaga is required to pay back every penny he stole (which will never happen) and he faces up to 12 years in prison.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. How many more of these scammers from Mexico and other 3rd world countries are here exploiting our very generous yet very flawed welfare system?

Some of the reaction from conservatives:

The post Illegal Alien From Mexico Uses Fake Identity For 37 Years to Steal $361,000 in Govt Benefits appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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