Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch announced Wednesday it filed a lawsuit against the State Department for records on Hillary Clinton’s former Deputy Chief of Protocol, Dennis Cheng, for the two years he worked under then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
After Cheng’s work at the State Department, he went to work for the Clinton Foundation. FIGURES.
Judicial Watch reported:
Judicial Watch announced today that it sued the U.S. Department of State for emails, calendar entries and other information in the electronic file of Dennis Cheng, who was Deputy Chief of Protocol for two years under former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Judicial Watch v U.S. Department of State (No. 1:18-cv-00221)).
Cheng was deputy chief of protocol of the United States from July 2009-July 2011. Following his tenure at the State Department, Cheng joined the Clinton Family Foundation as director of development, and then in April 2015 became finance director of the Hillary for America presidential campaign.
Prior to joining the Clinton State Department, Cheng was finance director in New York for Mrs. Clinton’s successful campaign for Senate.
Judicial Watch filed the complaint after the State Department failed to respond to a December 21, 2017, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for:
[T]he PST file of Dennis Cheng. Mr. Cheng served as Deputy Chief of Protocol of the United States from July 20, 2009 to July 2011. A PST file is a Personal Storage Table, an open proprietary file format used to store copies of messages, calendar events, and other items within Microsoft software such as Microsoft Exchange Client, Windows Messaging, and Microsoft Outlook.While at the Clinton Foundation, Cheng raised $246 million in just over three-and-a-half years, July 2011-February 2015. A separate FOIA lawsuit by Citizens United found that Cheng communicated with Huma Abedin about a major Clinton Foundation dinner and other issues.
Previous Judicial Watch FOIA litigation uncovered the Clinton email scandal and ethics scandal, Bill Clinton’s conflicts of interest issues, and the pay-to-play scandal involving the Clinton State Department and donors to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton campaigns.
President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton had this to say about the new lawsuit investigating Crooked Hillary’s pay-to-play while she was head of the State Department:
“Judicial Watch proved the Clinton State Department became a corrupt arm of the Clinton Foundation. The Justice and State Departments seem to be still protecting Hillary Clinton. Judicial Watch is stepping into the gap and, though this and other ongoing FOIA lawsuits, aims to expose and hold the Clinton cash machine accountable to the rule of law.”
Hillary Clinton made $48 million on Bill Clinton’s speeches to foreign governments/entities while she was Secretary of State.
As usual, Judicial Watch has done a lot of the heavy lifting exposing the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play:
“Hillary Clinton promised she would vet all the conflicts of interest before a speech or a deal. We suspected it would be a scam and we highlighted that we can’t trust them back then,” Fitton said.
“Hillary Clinton started violating that promise and agreement almost immediately in terms of taking money from foreign governments that she promised she would not be taking at the Foundation,” Fitton continued.
“How did this vetting happen? We had to sue for the documents. And the documents were shocking because they showed…the State Department approved 215 Bill Clinton speeches, controversial consulting deal worth $48 million….and they were rubber stamping them all,” Fitton said.
Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 by Kremlin-linked Renaissance Capital. This Moscow based firm was also involved in the Uranium One scandal wherein the Clinton Foundation received $145 million in exchange for 20% of America’s Uranium.
How many other Bill Clinton speeches played out like the Uranium One scandal?? The Clintons literally sold America down the river and they have yet to be brought to justice.
Paging AG Sessions…
You can support the amazing work Judicial Watch does by clicking here.
New @JudicialWatch lawsuit investigates Clinton pay-to-play at State Department. JW doing the heavy lifting for the rule of law and swamp draining. State was a nexus for Russia collusion during Clinton’s tenure. @RealDonaldTrump
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) March 21, 2018
The post New Judicial Watch Lawsuit Investigates Hillary Clinton State Department Pay-to-Play appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.