The nationwide school walkout to protest school shootings Wednesday was fairly impressive in terms of numbers. Nearly 2000 schools across the country participated and students in the Washington, DC area led a march to Capitol Hill, flanked by Democrat members of Congress such as Reps. Nancy Pelosi (CA) and Sheila Jackson Lee (TX). Pelosi even tweeted the livestream.
Tune in as Democrats join students for today’s #EnoughIsEnoughDMV event at the Capitol. #NeverAgain
— Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) March 14, 2018
The protest following the shootings in Parkland, Fla. certainly garnered the attention the activists were seeking. Less visible were the students who chose not to participate. Thankfully Ben Shapiro posted a few of the emails he received from those students in a column at The Daily Wire:
[T]here’s something…troubling about the eagerness of the Left to use children as its spokespeople, without any hint that the kids in question have studied the issues enough to actually attain any level of expertise.
Then there are students who want to do something to counter the propaganda, and who will be ignored by the media:
- From a 16-year-old high schooler today: “It is ignoring the fact that most gun violence is against blacks with handguns. Ignoring that fact is by definition racist. A nation-wide walk out for a majority white 1 percent is real white privilege and ignorant of the real problem, most gun violence is against blacks with handguns, not assault weapons, and ignoring that would from its core be racist and ignorant.
- From a high school senior: “Please let me start by saying that I respect the Left’s position on the walkout tomorrow, but I do not agree with their solution. I have decided to organize my own walk out to push Right wing beliefs on how to stop school violence…Respect other’s opinions and others will respect yours. ‘Here to save lives. Pro-Second amendment.’”
These students will not be featured by the media. I’ve recommended that they walk out alongside their classmates, but carry signs reading, “Protect My Life – Arm Law-Abiding Citizens!”
There is a spectrum when it comes to the gun debate in this nation; some favor full reform and banishment of firearms, others think all guns should be available to any person that wants to buy them. Most people fall somewhere in between, dotting the spectrum and sometimes moving from right to left.
And debating the issue — which isn’t the same thing as protesting and raising awareness, although that plays a role sometimes in policy change — isn’t a terrible thing. It’s arguably a sign of health in the Republic.
Unfortunately debate is not what’s happening on The Hill today.
One of the most popular chants I've heard at the DC #walkout: "Hey Hey NRA, how many kids have you killed today?"
— Ellie Hall (@ellievhall) March 14, 2018
Since no one seems to be teaching these children (who are missing a day of school) just who took the lives of those people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Valentine’s Day, let me:
His name was Nikolas Cruz. He was disturbed for years. The community leaders in Broward County — including the school district leaders — knew it and failed to do anything about it. As a result of their failed policies, he had a clean record and was able to purchase a gun when he was old enough. He called police on himself. His adoptive mother called police on him. His neighbors called police on him. He has been charged with murder and is facing the death penalty.
So, if it makes you feel better to march and get it out of your system, so be it, kids. But Parkland, Fla. still has a problem and it has nothing to do with the NRA.
The post Not Every Student Is a Fan of Today’s Nationwide Walkout appeared first on RedState.