
Stunning: Google Lists Planned Parenthood as Top Pro-Life Organization

- Maret 04, 2018

Google is currently shadow-banning conservative websites and content.

Google-YouTube is shutting down prominent conservative and right-leaning channels.
Google-YouTube is also blocking conservative channels — Like the Official Gateway Pundit channel — from posting.

And Google is also altering search results to portray far left websites and organizations as conservative.

Today if search Google for a list of pro-life organizations you get this…

Google lists Planned Parenthood as the top Pro-Life website.

Planned Parenthood is the top pro-Life site?

Planned Parenthood performs 328,000 abortions a year.

You get the same results if you search by iPhone.

This is the same organization that is shutting down conservative websites.
If there is no conservative site listed then even Planned Parenthood makes the list.

The post Stunning: Google Lists Planned Parenthood as Top Pro-Life Organization appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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