I don’t think this is the way investigations work.
President Trump’s legal team are trying to quicken the pace of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, and they’re willing to make a deal.
Trump says he looks forward to being interviewed by Mueller, and has, reportedly, said to others that he feels Mueller will treat him fairly, his attorneys aren’t ready to just allow an interview to happen, without some conditions placed on his testimony.
Remarkably, according to a new Wall Street Journal article, one of the things they want to see happen is for Mueller to agree to end the investigation within 60 days of the interview.
Nothing about that sounds reasonable.
“You can’t put a timeline on these things,” said former federal prosecutor Peter Zeidenberg. “Someone could walk in the door on the day before their proposed deadline and say, ‘I’ve got some information that’s going to blow your minds.’ … [And] Mueller’s going to say, ‘Oh, too bad, the deadline’s tomorrow?’”
Trump has lashed out at the probe, calling it a “witch hunt” on multiple occasions, and recent reports are that he has questioned others, like former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus about how the interviews with Mueller’s team have gone, and if the investigators were “nice.”
The scope of Mueller’s probe has reportedly expanded to included possible obstruction of justice, as well as the business ties of Trump and members of his family.
The Journal reports that Trump lawyers expect any questions for the president to focus on the firings of former FBI Director James Comey and former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who in December pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators.
It’s obvious Trump’s legal team don’t trust him to go into an interview with a man like Mueller. Trump could be completely innocent of any wrongdoing, but somehow, someway, he’ll make himself sound guilty of something.
It’s highly unlikely Mueller will agree to clip his investigation in such a way, but the suggestion does give some insight into how Trump’s attorney’s are approaching their client’s participation.
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