
Barbara Bush Proves She’s a Boss Even When Her Health Is Failing

- April 18, 2018

Few women can claim to be as tough and spunky as Barbara Bush, former first lady, and wife of George H.W. Bush. So much so that I’m wondering if Chuck Norris is all he’s cracked up to be.

Barbara is famous for her wit and charm, and it would appear that there is no shortage of it, even though she’s currently suffering from severe failing health.

According to CBS Politics reporter Katie Watson, a fellow reporter was told that even though Barbara is bedridden, she’s still very alert and carrying on conversations.

Oh, and she’s also enjoying bourbon.

Barbara is made from sterner stuff that came from being a woman from her time. I can recall my great-grandmother leading the charge against a pack of wild pigs that had tried to invade her ranch, and upon running out of ammo, using her shotgun as a bat from the top of her car like it was the Alamo.

Barbara seems to be no different. When I have something as lame as the cold, the idea of bourbon is out of the question as I feel it would hurt my throat and chest. Meanwhile, Barbara is in far worse shape and suffering from COPD and congestive heart failure, yet she’s sipping whiskey like it’s no big deal. Consider me completely emasculated.

But that’s the kind of person Barbara is even at 92.

After battling her condition with a number of hospital visits, Barbara has decided that she’d had enough treatments, and would rather spend her time surrounded by family and friends.

I never had the opportunity to meet Barbara, but she’s always seemed to me to be a firecracker. Her toughness is inspiring, no matter what sex you are.

The post Barbara Bush Proves She’s a Boss Even When Her Health Is Failing appeared first on RedState.


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