

- April 14, 2018

This Thursday, Dec. 29, 2016 photo shows an Israeli Air Force F-15 plane in flight during a graduation ceremony for new pilots in the Hatzerim air force base near the city of Beersheba, Israel. Anti-aircraft missiles were launched from Syria into Israeli-controlled territory early on Friday, following a series of Israeli airstrikes inside Syria, the Israeli military said. The military said its warplanes struck several targets in Syria and were back in Israeli-controlled airspace when several anti-aircraft missiles were launched from Syria toward the Israeli jets. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

Here are the main items. (Updates inline below)

Earlier this week SecDef James Mattis cancelled plans to be in California this weekend. President Trump cancelled his plans to attend the South America summit and sent Mike Pence in his place.

Yesterday, SecDef Mattis and CENTCOM Commander, James Votel, cancelled appearances in New York City.

There was a last ditch effort by the Russians to stop this at the Security Council today with their ludicrous “false flag” allegation against the Brits.

Trump’s Twitter head fake of two days ago got the Russians to evacuate their aircraft from Syria and all of their ships sortied from their leased naval base in Tartus.

Let’s pick up the story now.

I’m told the White HOuse press pool has been told to gather.


And we’re on–

If you aren’t familiar with the Pentagon Parking Lot Index, you should be. It correctly predicted no attack two days ago, and an attack today:

The post BREAKING: US STRIKES SYRIA appeared first on RedState.


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