
College Installs “Cry Closet” For Snowflake Students

- April 28, 2018

If students at the University of Utah are stressed out this finals season, they don’t have to deal with it like the adults they’re supposed to be preparing to be, they can just cry in the library. In fact, it’s pretty much encouraged. The school has built a special “cry closet” in the library for their breakdowns.

“Just let it all out,” university spokeswoman Jana Cunningham told a local CBS station. “Let yourself just get away from your studies for the next 10 minutes.”

KSL-TV reports Miller, a senior, created the 400-pound, stand-alone closet for students who need a “safe space sometimes, even if it’s in a very public place.”

“I think one of these should be everywhere all the time,” student Jayde Allison told KUTV while laughing. “Just its name, ‘The Cry Closet,’ is a little funny because definitely finals is a time to cry and panic.”

College is supposed to be a place to prepare students for adulthood (legally, they are adults). This is the opposite. Yes, even we adults get overwhelmed. Adults cry sometimes. We do it at appropriate times and places, we don’t expect places to be built for us to have breakdowns in public.

Of course, since it’s built in a busy walkway, there are rules. Knock before you go in, in case another adult is in there crying. Only take 10 minutes, so the next person can take their turn crying. And people want to give teenagers the right to vote.

The post College Installs “Cry Closet” For Snowflake Students appeared first on RedState.


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