
Illegal Alien Caravan Marching to US Border Begins to Splinter Into Smaller Groups

- April 05, 2018

Earlier this week, embedded Buzzfeed reporter, Adolfo Flores reported the Mexican immigration authorities said they were planning on disbanding the caravan of illegal aliens by Wednesday in Oaxaca.

However, defiant caravan organizers vowed to march forward with their list of demands to the U.S. border and plan to cross over from Baja, California.

President Trump said Tuesday to press pool reporters he will use the military to guard the border against the caravan of illegal aliens marching their way to the United States from Mexico.

President Trump also threatened to cut off foreign aid to Honduras and others if the caravan of illegals isn’t stopped.

The illegal alien army seems unfazed by Trump’s bold move; the caravan said they will not be stopped and plan on marching ahead to the US border.

It is now being reported the caravan is beginning to splinter into smaller groups.

Some Central Americans are planning on staying in Mexico, approximately 400 people have been sent home according to Mexico’s Interior Ministry.

Fox News reported:

The large group has been camped out in the town of Matias Romero in the southern part of Mexico since the weekend, after starting a trek from the Guatemala-Mexico border on March 25. It reached a peak of about 1,500 but a spokesperson for the advocacy group Pueblo Sin Fronteras – which organized the caravan and sought to draw attention to the rights of migrants – told Reuters that many people had broken off and were continuing the route on their own.

“Now they’re separating these groups,” Ellis Garcia told Reuters. “I don’t know what’s the deal, we have no answers.”

As the caravan began to attract growing attention in the U.S., Mexico began cracking down on the group. Mexico’s Interior Ministry has said that 400 people in the caravan had already been sent back to their home countries, and Mexican immigration authorities began screening those still in Matias Romero.

That prompted the caravan to break apart, organizers said.

An estimated 300 people split from the larger caravan on Monday, while advocacy groups told the news agency dozens of other people split off to the eastern state of Veracuz only to be met by Mexican immigration officials and police.

Even though some of the Central American migrants may stay in Mexico, hundreds plan on making their way to the US border seeking asylum even if that means making the trek on their own.

More via Fox News:

The post Illegal Alien Caravan Marching to US Border Begins to Splinter Into Smaller Groups appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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