
Insane Fresno State Professor that Celebrated Barbara Bush’s Death Also Once Called for Terrorist Acts

- April 24, 2018

We’ve already established that there is something seriously wrong with the Fresno State professor Randa Jarrar that celebrated the death of former first lady Barbara Bush, but apparently the crazy goes above and beyond nasty words.

According to the Fresno Bee, Jarrar is also on video calling for terrorist acts to happen to people who happen to be guilty of wrong-think, and praising terrorists who hijacked planes in the 60’s and 70’s.

Jarrar is also on camera talking about buying guns and doing “crazy sh*t.” according to the Bee:

“I don’t give a f—. I’m buying guns. I’m an American. I’m buying guns,” she says in one video clip. “The other side is, like, doing some stupid s—. I’m gonna do some stupid s—. I’m tired of, like, being the bigger person — literally am usually — but, like, I’m also just tired of the left being, like, f—ing stupid and being like, ‘No we have to like be gentle’ … no, don’t be f—— gentle.'”

She’s also caught on film saying that a man named “Spencer” needs his house broken into and didn’t understand why his house was still standing.

“It needs to be f—ing broken into,” she said. “People need to f—ing throw grenades into it. I don’t give a f—.”

Watch below:

Jarrar is currently on leave from Fresno State and is under investigation for her tweets against Barbara Bush, however the deeper problem here is that Jarrar is a tenured professor.

While I have to reassert that I am 100 percent a free speech advocate, Jarrar has used her platform to spread hate, and then when anger is returned to her, used that anger to put actual people in harm by directing it all to a help line for people with mental health issues. That alone should be an offense worthy of termination, but to add on to this is the fact that she has promoted actual terrorism and potentially harming others.

Jarrar is clearly a disturbed individual who currently has a job teaching America’s youth. That should worry anyone.

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