
James Comey Isn’t Worried About Congress Having His Memos (and You Can See Them HERE)

- April 20, 2018

I know there are Trumpledoos squeeing with delight that Congress is looking for former FBI Director James Comey’s memos.

To the true acolytes, Comey, especially with his book, threatened the Precious, so he must be taken down.

The RNC are sending a silly mascot to follow him around on his book tour.

(Kind of the same way Trump-loyal Breitbart worked with a Democrat operative to disrupt Marco Rubio events during the primary, by showing up dressed as a robot.)

Some series of these attacks on Comey have to work, right?

I mean, he’s probably so desperately stressed, now!

Or not.

According to Comey – transparency – he can dig it.

Regarding Congress seeing his memos:

“I don’t care. I don’t have any views on it. I’m totally fine with transparency,” Comey told CNN Thursday. “I’ve tried to be transparent through this, and I think what folks will see if they get to see the memos is I’ve been consistent since the very beginning, right after my encounters with President Trump. And I’m consistent in the book and tried to be transparent in the book as well.”

I don’t know that there had been a big, elaborate attempt to keep Congress from seeing the memos, but three Republican committee chairmen sent a letter to the Justice Department, saying there was no legal basis to withhold the memos from them.

Ok. So you’ve got them. Now what?

The Associated Press released those memos on Thursday evening.

Among some of the tidbits, Comey describes a dinner with Trump that was pleasant, but chaotic, with Trump moving from topic to topic, with very little silence, in between.

Trump said nice things about him, insisted that he (Comey) was well liked by everyone in the FBI, but asked what he wanted to do, pointing out that there were 20 people who wanted his job.

They talked about the Russia investigation and the dossier. Comey warned him that the information was in a lot of hands and that the media would be looking for a way to spin it into a news story. The FBI’s job was to assure the president was not put in a position where he might be compromised.

Trump attempted to defend himself against claims of Russian pee-pee prostitutes and all the women who had accused him of sexually assaulting them.

The president also mentioned his first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, saying the man had “serious judgment issues.”

Ya think?

There’s a lot to dig into. Quite a bit is redacted, but not so much that you don’t get a feel for what is being said.

You can check them out here.

The post James Comey Isn’t Worried About Congress Having His Memos (and You Can See Them HERE) appeared first on RedState.


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