
Liar Comey: It’s Possible Trump Was With Hookers “Peeing on Each Other”

- April 14, 2018

Former FBI Chief is launching his anti-Trump book tour this week after being fired for dereliction of duty in 2017.

Comey was given permission to write the book by the intelligence community and is launching his book tour this weekend.

Comey is doing this as the deep state continues its soft coup to remove the democratically elected Republican president.

Comey admitted in a Friday interview that he NEVER told the President the Steele Dossier used to spy on him, his Transition Team, his business, his family and his Administration, was funded by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign.

Comey also told Democrat George Stephanopoulos that “it’s possible” Trump was with hookers who were “peeing on each other.”

Comey is in legal trouble for lying to Congress and for leaking classified information for the press.

The FBI knew the dossier was a fraudulent document created by political activists but used it to spy on Trump anyway.
The New York Post reported:

Ex-FBI director James Comey said “it’s possible” President Trump was with hookers “peeing on each other” in Moscow, according to excerpts of a new interview released Friday.

“I honestly never thought these words would come out of my mouth, but I don’t know whether the current president of the United States was with prostitutes peeing on each other in Moscow in 2013,” Comey said in a “20/20” episode set to air Sunday. “It’s possible, but I don’t know.”

The former top G-man recalled the moment Trump floated the idea of investigating the pee-tape allegations during a private dinner Jan. 27, 2017 – saying it would bother him if there was “even a 1 percent chance” that wife Melania believed them.

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