
They’re Coming for Our Kids: Nationwide Sit-out Planned to Protest Corrupted Sex Ed Curriculum

- April 13, 2018

The date is April 23. If you’re a parent with school-aged kids, mark your calendars.

The content of our nation’s sex education classes has become so reprobate in some school districts, that a group of parents are hoping to raise awareness and bring about some changes with what is being forced into the curriculum.

The Sex Ed Sit Out started with parents in Charlotte, North Carolina, and has spread to nearly a dozen other cities in three countries. The April 23 protest is a grass-roots effort spearheaded by mothers who said they are disturbed by the “pornographic” content that has made its way into the classroom.

Elizabeth Johnston, a social conservative activist who blogs under the name Activist Mommy, is one of the protest’s organizers. She said most parents wouldn’t “stand for the kind of graphic, gender-bending sex ed” that schools are teaching.

“Most parents do not know this is taking place in schools,” Ms. Johnston said. “The wool is completely being pulled over their eyes, and sometimes when parents catch on and start inquiring, bureaucrats are using deceptive means of not informing them what is being taught.”

Unfortunately, she’s not wrong.

When sex ed was really heating up and becoming a thing, I remember that the classes we sat through dealt with the onset and signs of puberty, menstrual cycles, child birth, and later on, gingerly worded discussions about birth control.

Mrs. Brewer would refer to girls getting pregnant out-of-wedlock as “being in the hotseat,” and she’d pass out gift bags to the girls of sample packs of tampons and “Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific” shampoo.

That was then.

Today’s version of sexual education includes partnership with the vicious ghouls of Planned Parenthood and a gay rights organization called the Human Rights Campaign.

Planned Parenthood developed a “comprehensive” curriculum called Get Real that school boards across the country have considered adopting.

The program teaches sex education staples such as female and male anatomy, puberty and sexually transmitted diseases, but also offers lessons on “sexual identity” and “gender, sex and shared responsibility.”

My neighboring county, Cumberland County, NC tried the Get Real curriculum in 2016. Cumberland County parents went ape (and rightly so).

As a result, the program was pulled.

In Spokane, Washington public schools are about to vote on implementation of the Get Real program, as well as elements of other nutty programs.

Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho came out against the proposed curriculum last month. In its evaluation, Planned Parenthood said the program lacked LGBTQ inclusivity and was too focused on heterosexuality as the norm. The curriculum also used language that could be interpreted as shaming, the abortion giant said.

“The majority of voices in our community support an evidence-based approach to sexual health education,” Planned Parenthood said in a statement. “While the proposed patchwork sexual health program is better than the current sexual health education materials, our students deserve a program that has been evaluated and proven to be effective.”

Evidence-based? The evidence is that it takes a man and a woman, sperm and ovum, to make a baby. If you want to teach abnormal psychology classes to 7th graders, and then explore gender dysphoria, go for it.

Further, the Human Rights Campaign aims to start at the root and get to kids before they hit puberty, meaning, they have a bullseye squarely on the elementary school level.

The program they promote is called Welcoming Schools, and aims for educators to answer questions, such as, “Can two girls get married?” And let’s be honest: the only answer these activist groups are going to accept is “Yes.”

Also, the program “recommends books that help develop “LGBTQ-inclusive elementary schools.”

Elementary schools.

One of the books recommended by Welcoming Schools, “I am Jazz” by transgender reality-TV star Jazz Jennings, was read to kindergartners last year at Rocklin Academy Gateway, a charter school in Rocklin, California.


The planned sit-out isn’t just confined to the United States.

In addition to the demonstration in Charlotte, protests are planned in Sacramento, California; Bloomington, Indiana; Austin and San Antonio, Texas; Spokane, Washington; and Martinsburg, West Virginia. Rallies also are scheduled in Vancouver, British Columbia; and Mulgrave, Australia.

Very nice.

The plans for the event began back in November, but were almost scrapped after the Parkland school shooting in February and the popularity of walk outs, in order to protest guns.

“We almost pulled the plug on the sit-out idea because we were concerned that the idea had become tainted in the public’s view,” Ms. Johnston said. “But people kept saying, ‘Stay the course; what you’re doing is right.’ This is a sit-out that everyone can and should be able to get behind.”

So is sex education a mandatory course, now? At one point, a parent’s signature was required. That should still be the case.

Ideally, we’re not turning over something so sensitive to the public school system to handle. Parents should be teaching their kids at home and instilling their values, rather than letting the world and strangers instill theirs.

The post They’re Coming for Our Kids: Nationwide Sit-out Planned to Protest Corrupted Sex Ed Curriculum appeared first on RedState.


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