
Bad Combo: the Secular Left Conjure Catholicism at Met Gala

- Mei 09, 2018

Why must nearly everyone in entertainment end up with the same values?

For an industry that can’t for the life of it quit squawking about diversity, the world of those who sing and act looks to be comprised of a laser-focused singularity. The politics and mores of an entire field appear as the product of a magical apparatus, which fantastically produces ultra-left-wing Democratic vegans who subscribe to eastern spirituality and socially liberal extremes. Evidently, Hollywood spins straw into gold, but in the opposite direction.

Archetypically, a young girl from Regulartown, USA makes her way onto the scene, telling her audience she’s from a conservative family. She wears a promise ring; her faith is important to her; she wants to be a “good role model.” Fast forward to her pushing a leftist cause while sitting on a late-night talk show couch, from which she shares tales of her live-in boyfriend as she promotes her new movie or music video — or both — in which she is completely naked.


Why, why why?

By all means, believe what you want; absolutely, live how you believe. But why is every person who makes it into the kitchen of escapist influence seemingly shut into the oven and baked according to the uniformity of a single cookie cutter?

As I ponder this question, I marvel at last night’s Met Gala, a fundraiser for the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute. 2015’s affair, “China: Through the Looking Glass,” was lambasted for racializing and sexualizing traditional Chinese garb. So what, in the minds of the organizers, was a crackerjack of an idea for this year’s motif? Religion, of course. Specifically, Christianity.

That doesn’t seem like a recipe for reverence among the Hollywood set.

Cue the cringe.

At the “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination” spectacular, recording artist Rhianna showed up dressed as the Pope, complete with headdress. Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman came decorated as a walking altar.

Miley Cyrus — once a Southern Baptist and now a “genderless” left-winger who dismisses Bible stories as “fairy tales” — made an appearance in — wait for it — vegan high heels. The often-nude singer commemorated the night via a Twitter video, sporting a crown and licking and biting a crucifix.

Actress Lena Waithe fought the religious power with a gay pride flag as cape.

Madonna, not known for her reverence for the faith with which she was raised, performed “Like a Prayer” and had her robed stripped away by monks. Vogue hailed the aged pop icon as a “goddess.”

Another point of note: as part of the museum’s exhibit, a BDSM sexual bondage mask was displayed, covered in Catholic rosaries.

One can only imagine what would have occurred, in the media and among the triggered champions of so-called political correctness, if the event had instead objectified Islam.

Meanwhile, the recent wearing of a Chinese prom dress by a white girl brought intense condemnation from the Left, with one spotlighted critic bellowing, “My culture is NOT your [expletive] prom dress.”

These are strange times. Strange indeed.

The post Bad Combo: the Secular Left Conjure Catholicism at Met Gala appeared first on RedState.


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