
Deep State FBI Informant Used Thousands in Cash to Entice Papadopoulos to London

- Mei 20, 2018

MORE LIES ON TOP OF LIES By the Deep State and Liberal Democrat Media…
You can NEVER trust these filthy liars.

The stenographers at the New York Times are in spin mode ahead of the damning IG report which is due to be released to the public in a few weeks.

The New York Times is now saying the spy embedded in Trump’s camp wasn’t spying; he was there to protect Trump from the Russians. Unbelievable.

This is an actual headline from The New York Times:

In the very same New York Times FBI puff piece, it is revealed the Deep State informant spy [Stefan Halper] lured in George Papadopoulos with cash–$3,000 and a trip to London.

George Papadopoulos

Via The New York Times:

F.B.I. agents were seeking more details about what Mr. Papadopoulos knew about the hacked Democratic emails, and one month after their Russia investigation began, Mr. Papadopoulos received a curious message. The academic inquired about his interest in writing a research paper on a disputed gas field in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, a subject of Mr. Papadopoulos’s expertise.

The informant offered a $3,000 honorarium for the paper and a paid trip to London, where the two could meet and discuss the research project.

“I understand that this is rather sudden but thought that given your expertise it might be of interest to you,” the informant wrote in a message to Mr. Papadopoulos, sent on Sept. 2, 2016.

Mr. Papadopoulos accepted the offer and arrived in London two weeks later, where he met for several days with the academic and one of his assistants, a young woman.

Over drinks and dinner one evening at a high-end London hotel, the F.B.I. informant raised the subject of the hacked Democratic National Committee emails that had spilled into public view earlier that summer, according to a person familiar with the conversation. The source noted how helpful they had been to the Trump campaign, and asked Mr. Papadopoulos whether he knew anything about Russian attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election.

Mr. Papadopoulos replied that he had no insight into the Russian campaign — despite being told months earlier that the Russians had dirt on Mrs. Clinton in the form of thousands of her emails. His response clearly annoyed the informant, who tried to press Mr. Papadopoulos about what he might know about the Russian effort, according to the person.

According to the New York Times, Papadopoulos was paid for writing a research paper and never heard from the informant again.

It was also reported the informant brought up Hillary’s hacked emails and the Russians again in a separate conversation over drinks and once again Papadopoulos denied knowing anything about the Russians attempts to meddle in the election.

Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller reported on this September 2016 exchange in London between the FBI informant, Stefan Halper and George Papadopoulos:

According to a source with knowledge of the meeting, Halper asked Papadopoulos: “George, you know about hacking the emails from Russia, right?”

Papadopoulos told Halper he didn’t know anything about emails or Russian hacking, said the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign. The professor did not follow up on the line of inquiry.

The Deep State lies and lies and lies… And then lies some more.

The Deep State FBI started spying on the Trump campaign earlier than reported then used cash to induce a meeting with Papadopoulos.
They Obama FBI, DOJ, and DOJ was spying on Trump before they officially opened their investigation.

The post Deep State FBI Informant Used Thousands in Cash to Entice Papadopoulos to London appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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