The DOJ finally responded to GOP lawmakers’ request for information on Comey’s memo-leaking ‘friend’ Daniel Richman.
The Justice Department is reportedly handing over requested documents on Daniel Richman to the House Judiciary and House Oversight Committees on Thursday.

Daniel Richman, James Comey: Image via Fox News
Comey’s ‘friend’ Daniel Richman also happened to have FBI clearance even though Comey never described him as a ‘special government employee’ in his testimony to Congress.
Lawmakers have requested records on this peculiar and convenient arrangement between Comey and Richman.
“To assist the committees in their oversight of this matter, please provide a copy of any nondisclosure agreement(s) signed by Richman with FBI, DOJ or any other entity of the federal government,” Gowdy and Goodlatte previously wrote in a letter to AG Sessions.
Fox News reported:
The Justice Department said Tuesday it responded to demands from Capitol Hill Republicans to turn over documents about former FBI Director James Comey’s law professor friend who last year released contents of Comey’s memos to the media.
DOJ officials told Fox News the response was transmitted to Capitol Hill, but it was not immediately clear what the response was.
The House Oversight Committee told Fox News it did not receive any documents from the DOJ, but did receive a verbal response and expected to get the documents by Thursday.
Earlier this month, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., made the request for records on Daniel Richman in a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
“The committees are aware James Comey, the former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), shared or instructed staff to share at least some portion of the memos he drafted memorializing his conversations with President Donald J. Trump (the Comey Memos) to an individual named Daniel Richman,” the letter read.
President Trump previously destroyed Comey for omitting his memo-leaking friend Daniel Richman worked for the FBI during his testimony to Congress.
President Trump: Look, Comey is a leaker and he’s a liar and not only on this stuff. He’s been leaking for years. He’s probably been using his friend the so-called professor who now turns out to have been FBI clearance, which he never said. He even lied about that because he never said that in Congress, he said he gave it to a friend.
Comey told the Senate Intel Committee in a June 2017 testimony that he asked a ‘friend’ of his to leak to a memo he kept regarding his conversation with President Trump to the New York Times.
Comey admitted this after Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), asked him why he kept the memos. She then asked if he ever shared any of them outside the DOJ.
Daniel C. Richman confirmed to the Washington Examiner that he was Comey’s friend at Columbia. He has been referred to in the New York Times as a “longtime confidant and friend of Mr. Comey’s,” and his bio at Columbia’s website lists him as an “adviser to FBI Director James B. Comey.”
Not once did he ever disclose Daniel Richman was one of his personal lawyers or an unpaid employee of the FBI until recently.
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