
Newly Unredacted Docs Reveal Illegal Leak About Flynn’s Call to Kislyak Enabled Obama FBI to Keep Counterintel Operation Open On General Flynn

- Mei 05, 2018

On Friday night the Department of Justice released the requested unredacted documents to to the House Intelligence Committee on the investigation of Donald Trump and the ambush interview of Michael Flynn coordinated by corrupt agents Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok.

The unredacted portion revealed Comey testified to House Intel members the FBI agents who ambushed Flynn did not detect any deception.

Obama’s corrupt agencies had a counterintelligence operation open on General Flynn during the Trump transition and kept it going because of an illegal media leak about his call to Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

No where does Comey even mention there was an investigation into the illegal media leak about General Flynn’s phone call. Disgusting.

Screenshot of Comey’s testimony revealing he authorized the closure of the CI (counterintelligence) investigation into General Flynn by late December 2016 but kept it open “due to the public discrepancy surrounding General Flynn’s communications with Ambassador Kislyak.”

Not one word about investigating who illegally leaked the phone call. The investigation kept going because of the leak.

No doubt this was all done in coordination to give the FBI and DOJ an excuse to keep monitoring Flynn.

The Deep State take down of General Flynn timeline:

December 28th 2016: General Flynn has a flurry of calls with Russian Ambassador Kislyak as part of his transition work as National Security Advisor.

December 29th 2016: Flynn calls senior Trump transition officials to discuss his phone calls with Kislyak.

December 31th 2016: Kislyak calls Flynn again with good news Russia won’t escalate retaliation for sanctions Obama placed on Russia. Flynn then relates this message to transition officials.

January 10th 2017Buzzfeed publishes entire Russia dossier.

January 12th 2017: An unknown illegally leaks General Flynn’s phone calls discussing Russia’s sanctions with Kislyak to the media. Media goes wild as Russian fever is in full gear.

January 14th: Flynn tells Pence he didn’t discuss Russia sanctions with Kislyak.

January 24th 2017: Peter Strzok ambushed General Flynn with the help of McCabe with a surprise ‘interview’ about his conversations with Russian Ambassador Kislyak. This led to Flynn’s firing.

February 13th 2017: General Flynn resigns as NatSec Advisor.

December 1st 2017: General Flynn pleads guilty to lying to the FBI about his conversations with Kislyak.

So Comey wasn’t concerned about who illegally leaked General Flynn’s phone calls.

This is more proof that Obama’s corrupt DOJ and FBI care not about national security.

In fact, the redactions made to the House Intel report weren’t about national security either, they were made to PROTECT COMEY.

Please consider helping General Flynn with his defense fund by clicking here.

The post Newly Unredacted Docs Reveal Illegal Leak About Flynn’s Call to Kislyak Enabled Obama FBI to Keep Counterintel Operation Open On General Flynn appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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