It’s everything you never wanted! Former Pres. Barack Obama and wife, Michelle, have used their downtime since leaving the White House to start a production company, Higher Ground Productions — which is apparently not the production company that’s been in business since 1999.
As one could’ve guessed, the Obama’s won’t suffer through years of fledgling experiments as the two lawyers try to do something they’ve never done before, produce compelling content. Nope! These two have already inked a multi-year deal with Netflix, whose platform boasts 125 million members in 190 countries, before they’ve created a thing.
Netflix said in a statement,
“The Obamas will produce a diverse mix of content, including the potential for scripted series, unscripted series, docu-series, documentaries and features.”
I’m sure it’ll be scintillating TV.
Actually, I think they’ll probably produce some decent content what with all of Hollywood pining for the days of Obama — and even George W. Bush — who will be eager to work for the Obama’s or offer some free help.
As with any documentary or fictional tale, a narrative is nearly always crafted and even when one is not necessarily, the hot takes abound. If you don’t want to watch their content, avoid productions by Higher Ground.
Of course, many conservatives and Republicans have declared they have already or will cancel their Netflix subscriptions over this. I won’t. I know how to avoid things I don’t want to watch and I’ll just imagine my $11 per month goes to The Joel McHale Show with Joel McHale or paying Jason Bateman for another season of Ozark.
These boycotters have a point, — personally, searching Netflix for any of the documentaries and movies Adam Carolla has made under his Sontalia Productions and not finding a single one is mildly annoying — but if the Obama’s content is bad, people won’t continue to watch.
Watch what you want. Leave Netflix in a huff if you want. Or keep watching the shows you like on a platform that has revolutionized how we watch television. It’s a free country.
The post Obama’s Production Company Inks Deal With Netflix appeared first on RedState.