
PREDICTION: The Media is Going to Crucify Judge T. S. Ellis – Hope and Pray He’s Ready.

- Mei 06, 2018

This is one of those predictions that you don’t want to come true.

A few days ago, Judge Thomas Selby Ellis did the unthinkable and questioned the basis and the limits of the Mueller “investigation”. Much to the shock and horror of many, for the very first time, Robert Mueller and his team have had to answer to “somebody” who is neither afraid of them nor a cheerleader.

It didn’t turn out well for them.

Unfortunately, given what we’ve seen in the past year and a half, in seeking to act like a judge and not a rubber stamp for Robert Mueller, Judge Ellis has likely just painted a huge target on his back for the media – and yes, I do mean the Washington Post, New York Times, ABC, CBS, CNN, ABC, etc. – to do their level best to destroy him.

The hope is that Judge Ellis ready for the upcoming character assassination campaign that the media – in full collaboration with various progressive groups – are about to launch on him.

They are going to trawl through every case he’s ever tried as a lawyer, and every case he’s presided over as a judge.

They’re going to be seeking incidents of anything that can be spun as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. Failing that, they would be happy to accept clearly fabricated allegations … of anything. It’s a certainty, given that he’s a resident of Virginia, that he is going to be inducted into the KKK – whether he likes it or not.

After what happened with Admiral Ronny Jackson, one can expect a series of hitherto unheard of and unverified bombshell #MeToo allegations are suddenly going to find their way into Democrat hands and from then on, unto CNN and the other networks.

With luck, he is prepared, and he has also warned his wife and children – because if they can’t get him, they’ll come after them.


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