
Rep. Gaetz Drops Bombshell: ‘House Investigators Have Additional Info About FBI’s Campaign Infiltration the White House Doesn’t Know About Yet’ (VIDEO)

- Mei 21, 2018

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) dropped a bombshell on Fox News Monday afternoon.

Gaetz revealed House investigators have obtained new information about the spy campaign against Donald Trump that the White House still doesn’t know about.

Rep. Gaetz appeared on Fox News Monday afternoon to discuss President Trump’s order to the DOJ to investigate the FBI infiltration of his campaign.

Gatez says House investigators have additional information regarding Obama’s Deep State spy campaign that the White House still hasn’t been briefed on.

Rep. Gaetz also echoed Freedom Caucus Chairman, Mark Meadows and said the DOJ cannot be trusted to investigate themselves.

“The White House is not yet fully informed regarding to the extent to which intelligence was collected on the Trump campaign. There’s additional information that House investigators have collected. We need to make sure the White House gets appropriately informed about that because it will not be enough to have Rod Rosenstein and others at the Justice Department investigate themselves,” Gaetz said.

Rep. Gaetz said we need a second special counsel to investigate the FBI’s spy campaign and called on President Trump to declassify pertinent documents immediately.


Trump tweeted Sunday: I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes – and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!

On Sunday evening, the Justice Department asked Inspector General Horowitz to investigate whether there was “impropriety or political motivation” into the FBI’s infiltration of Trump’s campaign.

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows doesn’t believe the DOJ can be trusted to investigate themselves and blasted Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein.

President Trump, Rep. Gaetz, Rep. Mark Meadows and other members of the Freedom Caucus are on the front lines fighting the Deep State while AG Sessions is AWOL.

The post Rep. Gaetz Drops Bombshell: ‘House Investigators Have Additional Info About FBI’s Campaign Infiltration the White House Doesn’t Know About Yet’ (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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