
After Being KO’d by the Media, Democrats, & Other Republicans, Donald Trump Fights FiliBuster Douglas

- Juni 22, 2018


Flustered by the Capitol Hill stall on an immigration bill, President Trump enacted his own political Throwback Thursday by again calling for an end to Senate filibustering.

Trump has been blaming Democrats over quite a stretch (as in, since he received the Republican nomination) for immigration problems, including family separation (see here), while the media has, of course, blamed Trump (illustrated here).

The President had stood firm regarding family separation (illustrated here and here), but he caved yesterday (RIP resolve here).

Now, to quote various old people — and to the delight of Democrats — he’s in a pickle.

Say “adios” to the leverage family separation provided. Say hello to catch and release, and the sagging of a once-flexed muscle which worried the Left.

In signing Wednesday’s executive order, Trump completely ended pressure on the Democrats to give him anything he might want. Now, they’re likely content to cruise for the next few months, shipping through calm waters leading to November elections.

Thanks to the media, the Democrats, and — significantly — many Republicans (like this one), Trump is now trying to win a battle no one cares to fight.

Hence, his return to punching at the Clubber Lang to his Balboa: filibuster.

Wednesday, a different Clubber clobbered him.

If only he’d held out a little longer…

He could’ve done this:

Now, the road to his immigration goals is…well…rocky.

Hence, the following tweet:

“What is the purpose of the House doing good immigration bills when you need 9 votes by Democrats in the Senate, and the Dems are only looking to Obstruct (which they feel is good for them in the Mid-Terms). Republicans must get rid of the stupid Filibuster Rule-it is killing you!”

This, as the House was gearing up for a vote later in the day on stricter immigration policies, plus funding for the much-hyped wall.

So far, the biggest wall in America is the Democrats’ opposition to Donald Trump.

Also included in the vote is a permanent congressional “No” on family separation.

Despite the impression of Trump’s tweet, filibustering isn’t the only challenge to reform; the current immigration package has other enemies, including many in the House.

Furthermore, not all Republicans want to end filibustering — the requirement of 60 votes to pass most substantial legislation — including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

So where does Trump go, if the legislation doesn’t pass? He’s already indicated a willingness to accept its failure, and he’s lost the push the media’s family separation outcry provided.

As the news cycle resets, so does the White House. But this time, the Democrats know something they didn’t before: the heavyweight champion in the Oval Office isn’t beyond getting knocked out.


Have you seen the Rocky movies? If not, I command you to, at once. Rocky 1-4. I never saw Rocky 5, but it’s reportedly disappointing. Its follow-up, Rocky Balboa, is good.

Oh, yeah — politics and culture: please check out my other RedState articles here.

And follow Alex Parker on Twitter.


The post After Being KO’d by the Media, Democrats, & Other Republicans, Donald Trump Fights FiliBuster Douglas appeared first on RedState.


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