
Bill Priestap Grilled by Congress – Asked About Trip to London Prior to Spying on Trump Campaign

- Juni 06, 2018

House Republicans are set to interview three witnesses in early June regarding the sham Hillary Clinton email investigation.

According to The Hill, Bill Priestap, the assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division, and Michael Steinbach, the former head of the FBI’s national security division, will testify shortly after the release of the IG report.

The third witness is John Giacalone who preceded Steinbach as the bureau’s top national security official and oversaw the first seven months of the Clinton probe.

Bill Priestap was the FBI official who changed the wording in the James Comey July 2016 speech to remove the word “President” and replace it with “another senior government official” to hide this fact from the American public.

Priestap was also Peter Strzok’s boss at the FBI.

Bill Priestap took a suspicious trip to London during the same time period that Aussie Ambassador Alexander Downer met with George Papadopoulos

Bill Priestap testified before Congress behind closed doors today on Capitol Hill.

Priestap was reportedly asked about his trip to London during the 2016 primary.

Freedom Caucus chairman Mark Meadows spoke with reporters after the private hearing. Meadows could not discuss the hearing but from his comments it is clear this was something to keep an eye on.

Via Lou Dobbs Tonight:

The post Bill Priestap Grilled by Congress – Asked About Trip to London Prior to Spying on Trump Campaign appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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