Twitter sent out notices to several investigative reporters and media outlets on Friday including: Wikileaks, Julian Assange, Kim DotCom, Cassandra Fairbanks, Roger Stone, Matt Couch and The Gateway Pundit.
The liberal and Democrat-connected attorneys for Aaron Rich are demanding Twitter turn over all direct messages from these accounts to Aarron Rich’s attorneys.
Aaron is the brother of Seth Rich, the DNC operative who was murdered mysteriously in the summer of 2016. There have been no leads to the murder of Seth Rich. Aaron Rich is suing conservative activists and media outlets for allegedly spreading conspiracy theories about the slain staffer.
On Friday Twitter sent out letters to several conservatives and media outlets including Wikileaks informing the account owners that the attorneys for Aaron Rich are seeking information from the private accounts.
Here is a copy of the letter sent to The Gateway Pundit — (sections and phone numbers deleted).
This action is pending in: United States District Court, District of Colombia
The attorney(s) representing subpoenaing party is: Michael J. Gottlieb
Twitter has not disclosed any information regarding your account at this time. However, we wanted to bring this matter to your attention. Please be advised that Twitter may be obligated to produce basic subscriber information related to your account in the future. Accordingly, please advise within 14 days from the date of this notice, from the email address associated with your Twitter account, @gatewaypundit, if you intend to appear in this matter or file a motion to quash. Please also provide us with copies of any papers you file with the Court. If you plan to have your attorney contact us, please first respond to this email from the email address associated with your Twitter account, @gatewaypundit, letting us know that your attorney will be contacting us and providing us with your attorney’s name and contact information.
While we cannot give you any legal advice, we suggest that you seek your own counsel in this matter. If you need assistance seeking counsel, you may consider contacting the Electronic Frontier Foundation ([],, +1 415-436-****) or the ACLU ([], +1 212-549-****).
For more general information on legal requests, please refer to the following Help Center article:*****.
Twitter Legal
We are contacting our attorneys on our response.
Update: Here is a copy of the subpoena to Twitter.
Subpoena to Twitter Aaron RICH v. Ed Butowsky-1 by Jim Hoft on Scribd
The post BREAKING: Aaron Rich Attorneys Subpoena Twitter to Turn Over All Direct Messages from: Wikileaks, Julian Assange, KimDotCom, Cassandra Fairbanks, Gateway Pundit, etc appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.