
Can Donald Trump Pardon Himself? Ted Cruz Explains The Issue

- Juni 05, 2018

There have been several media hits on Ted Cruz lately over an apparent reluctance to comment on whether or not President Donald Trump can pardon himself, as he has claimed he could do.

Cruz was swarmed by reporters Monday morning on his way to the Senate, and at first ignored the question. When asked again, he didn’t offer much in the way of an answer, which many took as hypocrisy given his past comments on Barack Obama’s use of executive power.

Just after midnight on Monday night (Tuesday morning?), Cruz took to Twitter to explain the issue and the difference between the two presidents.

Skip ahead a few tweets, and he explains why it’s utterly dishonest to call him a hypocrite on the issue.

And, here he settles the debate with a final point about how frankly moot this conversation is right now.

And, you know what? He’s definitely right about this part. There is nothing to pardon yet. This conversation is silly, and while the President was probably a bit foolhardy to say what he did, the fact of the matter is that there is no pardon on the table right now because there is no demonstrable criminal conduct to pardon. A lot of folks won’t like hearing that, but it’s true.

The post Can Donald Trump Pardon Himself? Ted Cruz Explains The Issue appeared first on RedState.


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