
Dare to Dream: Alyssa Milano Pines for a Day When Women Have Rights

- Juni 07, 2018


Hollywood is a strange place.

Stars seem to feel empowered to lead the world politically, while forgetting to learn about things before they attempt to change them.

This gem, by the way, comes courtesy of Twitchy.

Yesterday, actress Alyssa Milano — a girl known for posters of her in sweaters in the 80’s, and for reported feuding among actresses on Charmed in the early 2000’s — decided she needed to meet with a congressman.

According to Milano, she was turned down by Paul Ryan. The nerve!

What took more nerve, however, was Samantha Micelli’s (Alyssa’s character on Who’s the Boss) stated conclusion about Congressman Ryan.

First of all, who are the actual 4% that don’t believe women should be protected by the constitution? I find that hard to believe.

Secondly, why does she believe Ryan is among them, simply because he did not meet with Her Importantness? Will Nancy Pelosi meet with me? I want to talk to her about reducing the cost of milk. If she denies me, does she want the poor to develop osteoporosis?

Thirdly, women are protected by the consitution. Already.

Thanks to Sparky Landers for pointing it out:

Alyssa rared back for the one-two punch:

Not so much:

Good point.

I have to wince.

Maybe Millennial Exile’s and Jeff Dunetz’s point played into Ryan’s decision not to meet up, “waste of time” generally being prohibitive and all.

I love Alyssa; but the Twitterverse kind of ate her lunch:

Once again, I plead with Samantha–

Dear Alyssa,

You were great on Who’s the Boss. And your MLB clothing line for women is fantastic. You’re an American Sweetheart. Please, stick to entertainment and fashion. However, if you truly want to go into politics, maybe get some books. Here’s a good one, for starters.

Hollywood is a strange place. The pomp of narcissism due to the circumstance of stardom can truly misguide. One of those errant trajectories, sadly, has enraptured Alyssa Milano. Still, I’ll continue to believe in her good intentions, watch her in glorious reruns, and tell myself this episdoe never happened. Or, otherwise, wince.


For more coverage of Alyssa and her political activism, check out my article on her and Tinseltown’s answer to school shootings.

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And for the love of Mike, please follow Alex Parker on Twitter.




The post Dare to Dream: Alyssa Milano Pines for a Day When Women Have Rights appeared first on RedState.


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