
EXCLUSIVE: Rudy Giuliani Blasts Obama’s Failed Iran Policy – Trashes WaPo as “Useless Paper”

- Juni 29, 2018

Rudy Giuliani Destroys Obama on Iran – Says WaPo is “Useless Paper”

The Iran: Prospect for Change conference is being held this weekend in Paris, France. The annual event brings in 100,000 pro-Iranian activists seeking democracy and human rights for Iran.

The conference was founded by the Iranian community and sponsored by the National Council of Resistance of Iran is an annual event with the purpose to promote freedom and democracy in Iran by shedding light on the truth of what’s happening in Iran.

This year’s conference — Iran: Prospect for Change

On Friday The Gateway Pundit had the opportunity to interview former New York City Mayor and President Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani. Rudy is speaking this weekend at the conference.

Giuliani hit the Obama administration for their horrid foreign policy and empty threats. Rudy praised the Trump administration for a clear policy on Iran.

Rudy Giuliani: President Trump tweeted out his support for them immediately where as President Obama not only didn’t support them but he basically made it clear that he was against the. I think President Obama made so many mistakes in foreign policy, [it’s] impossibly to single out one but, that was one on of the big ones. Sending red lines through Syria and doing nothing about it was another one. Which kind of destroyed the credibility of America as an actor for good. I think the fact that we suddenly and publicly support them is what is keeping the movement going… You can never underestimate the sanctions from America, what that can accomplish.

Gateway Pundit: Question, during the 2009 protests people were on the rooftops saying, “Obama, Obama where are you?” Do you think we’ll hear the same thing this time about President Trump?

Rudy Giuliani: We already have. We are already seeing there are already people saying this is not coming from America this is coming from the people of Iran! They’re making clear this is a movement that is indigenous coming right out of the people.

Gateway Pundit: Terrific. One other question, the Washington Post this week said that you are acting more like the mob bosses that you used to prosecute. What do you have to say to the Washington Post?

Rudy Giuliani: That useless paper!

The post EXCLUSIVE: Rudy Giuliani Blasts Obama’s Failed Iran Policy – Trashes WaPo as “Useless Paper” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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