
Flashback: China Nicknames Justin Trudeau “Little Potato”

- Juni 10, 2018

>h3>President Trump lashed out at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Saturday after leaving the G7 meetings early to attend peace talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Upon leaving the summit the President tweeted his disapproval of the weak and dishonest Trudeau for all the world to see –

This was after Justin Trudeau took a couple of pot-shots at President Trump after he left the summit.
Trudeau promised to impose retaliatory tariffs against US products after Trump left the meetings in Canada.

The President preceded the above tweet with a tweet about the PM’s statements being false at his news conference –

Trump may have been on to something when he accused Prime Minister Trudeau being meek and mild.

The Chines nickname for Justin Trudeau is “little potato.”

Via the Global News:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is finishing up his trip to China, where he earned the affectionate nickname “little potato.”

The primary goal of the trip has been to strengthen business ties with China, the world’s second-largest economy…

…Trudeau, well-known around the world for his use of social media, has been given the nickname “xiao tudou,” or “little potato,” as the name Trudeau sounds similar to the Mandarin word for potato.

The post Flashback: China Nicknames Justin Trudeau “Little Potato” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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