
Former Navy SEAL: Tuscon Encampment Likely Used for Child Sex Trafficking, Despite Police, Media Reports

- Juni 06, 2018

Contrary to police and media reports, the encampment discovered on Clinton Foundation donor CEMEX’s property by homeless Veterans advocacy group was most likely used for child sex trafficking, a former Navy SEAL who investigated the scene warns.

The bizarre tree restraints, underground septic tank that a child would be impossible for a child to escape from, the dozens of boxes of hair dye, and the sex lubrication discovered on the encampment are evidence that the grounds were being used for more than shelter for the homeless, Craig ‘Sawman’ Sawyer, a former sniper on SEAL Team One and the founder of www.vets4childrescue.org, explained.

“It could have been a homeless camp, where the people were just weird or mentally ill. But there are a group of trees that look like rape trees,” Sawyer told The Hagmann Report Monday night. “Rape trees are essentially what the drug traffickers, coyotes, tend to want to use to rape people. They tie them to it and take their undergarments and hang them up on the trees as some sort of trophy. We found in this camp a group of trees with all manner of fires hoses nailed to them and loops and different straps and different types of rope.

“Do I know what they strapped to this tree? No, but from knee-high to overhead, eight feet, there was numerous ways  trees were strapped that look like wrist restraints on them.”

Many of the materials attached to the trees were decaying, Sawyers said, indicating that the ‘rape trees’ were being used at the encampment for years.

The straps were in “various states of decay, some of them very brittle. I took one of the pieces of nylon webbing and just pulled on it and it snapped right in half, it had been dry rotted. There had been things nailed to and tied around these trees for years and years,” he said. “It looks like something was repeatedly strapped to these trees again and again and again, for years, with numerous types of strapping materials. That much is fact. What it was? We don’t know.”

Authorities maintain they have investigated the abandoned camp and found there is no evidence it was used for any criminal activity, including human trafficking.

But the wrist restraints aren’t the only smoking gun, Sawyer argued.

“We found sex lube there, a bunch of little dolls, children’s dolls, bracelets, things like that, lotion, porn, different pornographic magazines,” he said. “On that site is also multiple boxes of used hair dye – now in the middle of the woods, folks, right off of a highway that runs straight to Mexico out of Tucson – why would you need brunette hair dye? Why do homeless people need multiple boxes of brunette hair dye? So, people are getting their hair dyed dark colors in those woods at that camp that’s got sex lube.”

No normal parent would allow their children to sleep in the extremely hot, underground septic tank that was discovered on the site, Sawyer noted.

“Small children would not be able to get out of there without some sort of help and nobody could hear them scream or yell from inside there due to the way that its buried. And there’s no ventilation, only the one small hole that they would have to come in and out of,” he said, “Putting your child in a simple tent, under a simple tarp, would be much more comfortable for them than shoving them in that septic tank — it’s a septic tank turned on its side.

“Could it have been a desperate homeless family that put their children in there? Well it’s possible, but none of us that looked at it and saw it in person believe that would have been the case,” he continued. “We can’t imagine putting our children in there willingly. It is hot in that container, it is not comfortable. The bottom of that container is rounded and there is no place for even a child to curl up and get comfortable and sleep there. It’s at an odd angle on its side.

After investigating the encampment Sawyer said he immediately called the FBI and notified the bureau very specifically to investigate.

“That container – it’s a solid plastic container – it should be a wealth of forensic evidence including DNA,” he said. “Could it have been used for a desperate homeless person and bad weather or something? Yea, but due to the totality –  any other federal criminal investigator is trained to look around the rest of the site. We don’t believe that’s what it was.

Americans cannot rely on the Tuscon Police Department to conduct a thorough investigation of the encampment, or adequately serve the people of Tucson, Sawyer warned, because “a third of the TPD have been laid off.”

Tucson has “laid off a third of their police officers and many who are driving the police officer vehicles are not police at all. They are public servants, they are unarmed and they do not respond to crimes,” he explained. “I don’t know why the criminals might be deserving of serving and protecting than the American citizens and the citizens of Tucson but I think we need to look at who is running TPD and what’s going on there,”

“Right now the citizens of Tucson Arizona are not being fully served and protected,” he continued.  I know law enforcement officers that work for TPD and they love serving and protecting the people, they want to fix this. They don’t want to see children trafficked here. Lets get them better support. Lets get them better political backing, funding and man power so that they can serve and protect the people of Tucson. That is something that needs to come out of this if nothing else.”

The post Former Navy SEAL: Tuscon Encampment Likely Used for Child Sex Trafficking, Despite Police, Media Reports appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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