
Free Heroin For Junkies? Seattle Explores Public Funding For Druggies

- Juni 15, 2018

It’s like there’s a never ending duel between Portland and Seattle to who can out-wackjob the other. Seattle now one-ups Portland, as city councilor Sally Bagshaw wants public funds to go toward paying for illicit street drugs for junkies.

The Maven reports:

Several Seattle City Council members have announced that they plan to move forward with multi-million dollar, taxpayer-funded proposal to purchase a massive recreation vehicle that would provide intravenous drug users with a space to shoot up.

One city council member said she would even like to look into the option of providing illegal drugs for users.

“We were looking at those city-owned and county-owned properties, but none were really viable that were appropriate,” Seattle Human Services Department representative Meg Olberding told KIRO.

Instead of a brick-and-mortar location, project proponents began exploring the concept of a “fixed-mobile” site, which would allow the RV to be moved to a set location each day, then taken back to a secure facility off-site for cleaning and maintenance at night, KIRO reported.

The RV would offer accommodations including booths where addicts could use illegal drugs and a separate section designated for recovery.

“We would want to make sure we provide a safe area, not only for the neighbors but for the individuals who are using as well,” Sakuma told the council.

During the meeting, council members Sally Bagshaw and Debora Juarez urged proponents of the “safe injection site” plan to go out into the community to convert those who opposed the concept.

“Every day we don’t move forward, people are at risk for overdose and death, so with that in mind and with this sense of urgency for the third time this year alone that you have heard us express this, I am calling on our mayor and our county as a whole to act with urgency so we can move forward this year,” Mosqueda proclaimed.

Bagshaw took the concept of enabling drug addicts a step further and said she would like to learn more about the possibility of providing drugs for users who may not be able to bring their own.

“I have heard of some other models where drugs are provided…And that’s a public safety model,” Bagshaw said, according to KIRO. “Because those who may not have the money to buy drugs are not breaking and entering to obtain whatever they need to buy whatever it is they are using. I would like to explore this…part of what we are trying to do is reduce crime as well.”

Disgraced ex Seattle mayor Ed Murray, who resigned amid child sex abuse allegations, with his loyal bagwoman Sally Bagshaw in tow.

Apparently the city has already allocated $1.3 Million toward the project, with the total estimate being $1.8 Million, not counting the annual $2.5 Million in costs to operate the R(D)V (Recreational Drug Vehicle).

The council member spearheading this effort, Sally Bagshaw, stood by ex Seattle mayor Ed Murray, as the child rape scandal was breaking, leading to his eventual resignation. Bagshaw defended him, and she was even referred to as a “pedophile enabler” by the attorney for one of the boys who had *allegedly* been abused by Murray.

Bagshaw fits the perfect stereotype of a limousine liberal, as her net worth is over $7 Million.

Interestingly enough, Bagshaw has apparently working on “solving” the problem of homeless druggies for years, as she’s posted pictures on her facebook page about touring homeless encampments, including one area known as “the jungle”, while touting her commitment to solving the issue. For years. And it’s only gotten worse.


Ironically, Bagshaw has also been an ally of Bloomberg’s anti-gun group, Moms Demand Action. So on the one hand she wants stricter laws infringing on Constitutional rights, but on the other hand wants to loosen laws regarding illegal drug use.

The post Free Heroin For Junkies? Seattle Explores Public Funding For Druggies appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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