
Harvey Weinstein and His Courtroom Plea

- Juni 06, 2018


On Tuesday, Harvey Weinstein pleaded — take a wild guess…not guilty.

The plea was in response to three felony sex charges: one count of first-degree criminal sex act and two counts of rape.

Harvey maintains that all sexual activity in question was consensual, and he’s a free man, having posted $1 million in cash for bail.

His attorney, Benjamin Brafman, said he’s doing pret–ty, pret–ty, PRET–TY GOOD.

“Under the circumstances, he’s holding up reasonably well. No one can be happy to be in the position that he is in.”

Brafman added, “As terrible a crime as rape is, it is equally reprehensible to be falsely accused of rape, and since Mr. Weinstein has denied these allegations, that’s where we are.”

The woman in the rape case remains unidentified. According to CNN, the criminal sex charge involves actress Lucia Evans, who claims the heavyweight producer forced her to perform oral sex on him in his office in 2004.

Hollywood Harv surrendered to the authorities on May 25th, seven months after an article in The New Yorker first pointed the public finger at the mogul.

On Friday, three women filed a class-action suit against Weinstein as well as his former employers, including Miramax and The Walt Disney Company.

Since the New Yorker piece, many women have spoken out against Harvey with charges of their own, as well as allegations against a Who’s Who list of Hollywood men. However, claims seem to have lately stalled out somewhere near the neighborhoods of Less Compelling and Absurd. For example, actress Dominique Huett has accused Weinstein of performing oral sex on her.

Harvey Weinstein may be a vile individual. He is surely a strange one; who ejaculates onto a potted plant for kicks? But if #MeToo wants to keep the focus on substantially egregious behavior, it might do well to nix the finger-pointing over providing pleasure and pedestrian breaststaring. “Major in the majors” is always good advice.

Weinstein certainly stands accused of something major. And whether he is found guilty or not, he is already locked up in the Alcatraz of public opinion. There’s no bail for that.


Read my coverage of Harvey’s arrest here, and check out all my articles at my Author page here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter.



The post Harvey Weinstein and His Courtroom Plea appeared first on RedState.


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