
IT WAS A SET-UP: Trump Campaign Aide Reveals Mueller Knew More About FBI Informant Than He Did (VIDEO)

- Juni 19, 2018

The Deep State Spying Scandal on the Trump Campaign will go down as the largest political scandal in US history.

As Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit reported in May —
At Least 6 and Potentially 7 Known and Suspected Intelligence Informants Accused of Spying on Trump Campaign

And now there are more.
Trump associates Roger Stone and Michael Caputo were approached by another FBI informant during their campaign in the Deep State’s quest to tie Donald Trump to Putin’s Russia.

And — once again — neither of them took the bait.

On Monday Michael Caputo joined Sean Hannity to discuss his run-in with the FBI informant.

Michael Caputo: When I spoke to the Mueller investigation about this I told them that I assumed he was a Russian but I thought he was an American citizen. As it turned out the Mueller investigation already knew that he was a Russian citizen and not an American citizen. That really set off alarm bells for me. Because when I disclosed this to the Mueller investigation unprompted they knew more about it than I did. They knew he was a Russian citizen not an American.

Via Hannity:

The post IT WAS A SET-UP: Trump Campaign Aide Reveals Mueller Knew More About FBI Informant Than He Did (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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