These people are insane.
Democrats are now leery that Russia may have infiltrated their discussions on superdelegate reform.
In a perfect encapsulation of today’s divided and Russia-obsessed Democratic Party, Democrats are now fighting over whether “the Putin operation” is bankrolling superdelegate reform.
The Huffington Post reported:
Momentum is growing within the Democratic National Committee for a significant reform to the party’s presidential nominating process, but the proposed change has caused a leading California Democrat to question whether Russian meddling is behind the effort.
The Californian, Bob Mulholland, could provide no proof for his claim. But his comments underscore the resistance the reform push is expected to encounter from some party stalwarts.
At issue is the clout exercised by so-called superdelegates in the party’s presidential nominating process. At a Friday meeting of the DNC’s Rules and Bylaws Committee in Rhode Island, a majority of that panel expressed support for dramatically reducing the power of superdelegates at the Democratic National Convention by barring them from having a vote on the convention’s first ballot.
According to the RNC: Two years after the 2016 primary ended, the Democratic Party has still not agreed on rules that will govern its 2020 presidential nominating process. One major sticking point – particularly for Bernie supporters – is whether the party will eliminate its 437 superdelegates.
Congressional Democrats are “seething over” the prospect of that happening, and tensions are so high that an image of police beating Rep. John Lewis at Selma’s 1965 voting rights march is being used to discourage superdelegate reform.
The post LIBERAL INSANITY: Democrats Leery if Russia Is Behind Superdelegate Reform appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.