
Marble Halls & Silver Screens Podcast ep.23 The Women Empowerment Edition

- Juni 14, 2018


Covering the connection of DC politics and Hollywood entertainment as they contribute to our culture.


It was a week of deep female empowerment (probably due to Illinois passing ERA!) A female reporter was found to have been in bed with a top-placed official source, and it was not a euphemism. Sarah had some choice words on that absence of ethics, while Brad tried in vain not to be toxic on the subject.


The press was acting in their usual imbalanced fashion, whether they were hatching conspiracy theories on the First Lady, elevating her “disappearance” to zombie-plane level kookiness, or creating controversies on the South Lawn that did not take place. But everything was rather buoyant as Brad nursed his Triple Crown hangover while Sarah was still giddy over the NHL Championship.  The question with Triple Crown winner Justify – they changed his racing silks for The Belmont, so what color will the commemorative bottle of bourbon be??


OPENING THEME: “Long, Slow Goodbye (Live)” Queens of the Stone Age


  • The New York Times is discovered to have its own Zoe Barnes, and it is not pretty
  • Anthony Bourdain passed away and it was no fun
  • The press had an obsession with Melania Trump missing, and it was embarrassing
  • April Ryan gets mad at White House lies, and then goes on to lie immediately afterward
  • Seth McFarlane is the latest celebrity to push for the Fairness Doctrine…because he likes fairness!
  • Ocean’s 8 becomes a successful all-female retelling for Hollywood
  • The Washington Capitals and Alexander Ovechkin win the Stanley Cup – and we look into the Russian collusion behind it!!!

Listen in as The Cup victory has Sarah Lee over the Blue Moon with excitement!



Apparently the G7 Summit was held in “The Office”.


for more insightful ridiculousness, follow us:

Podcast: @Lee_Slager

Sarah: @Sarailola

Brad: @MartiniShark

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