
President Trump Blasts ‘Vicious’ Fake News Media Over Gossip as First Lady Recovered From Kidney Surgery

- Juni 07, 2018

President Donald Trump blasted the media Wednesday morning over “vicious” gossip about his wife First Lady Melania as she kept a low profile while recuperating from kidney surgery.

“The Fake News Media has been so unfair, and vicious, to my wife and our great First Lady, Melania. During her recovery from surgery they reported everything from near death, to facelift, to left the W.H. (and me) for N.Y. or Virginia, to abuse. All Fake, she is doing really well!”

“…Four reporters spotted Melania in the White House last week walking merrily along to a meeting. They never reported the sighting because it would hurt the sick narrative that she was living in a different part of the world, was really ill, or whatever. Fake News is really bad!”

Here is a prime example of what the President is speaking about, from Rolling Stone Senior Writer Jamil Smith.

Jamil Smith on right.

“I wish that I didn’t suspect that the prolonged, poorly explained public absence of Melania Trump could be about concealing abuse. I wish that it was a ludicrous prospect. I wish that the @POTUS wasn’t a man with a history of abusing women, including those to whom he is married.”

CNN’s Brian Stelter caught flak for running a calendar graphic suggesting Melania had “disappeared.” even though, as the President said, several reporters had seen her in the White House.

CNBC’s Eamon Javers reported that he and NBC’s Kristen Welker had seen Melania in the White House last week, “Not that this will deter the conspiracy theorists, but I saw the First Lady walking with her aides in the West Wing yesterday afternoon…Yes. There was another reporter with me in the hallway at the time: @kwelkernbc . It was just a brief encounter- she walked past with an aide and secret service agents.”

Stelter whined on Twitter after the President called out the media, “Trump is conflating random Twitter commenters with “the media” here. A common tactic of bad faith critics. But disappointing to see POTUS do it.”

The post President Trump Blasts ‘Vicious’ Fake News Media Over Gossip as First Lady Recovered From Kidney Surgery appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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