
The 2018 Election Will be a Referendum on Government Corruption – Because of this Trump and Republicans Will Win Again!

- Juni 23, 2018

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Clean the Swamp

President Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election in large part due to his stand against government corruption.  Being an outsider, Americans believed Trump could make a real difference.  The 2018 Congressional election is shaping up in similar fashion and because of this Donald Trump and Republicans will win again.

In the 2016 election Americans were sick and tired of the corruption that consumed the Obama Administration.  Americans were fed up with the Obama Administration and their patsy media.   This message was represented in short chants at Trump rallies that all related to corruption —  “Drain the Swamp!”

Obama’s government was unhinged, dishonest and corrupt and Americans knew it.  It was as corrupt as it gets and the far left media let him get away with it.  Giving billions in cash to Iran on a pallet was just the tip of the iceberg.  At Trump rallies Americans chanted, “Drain the Swamp” –

Americans also were damn upset with Hillary Clinton being exonerated for her many crimes related to her email abuse while Obama’s Secretary of State. They yelled “Lock Her Up”:

Americans also recognized the corruption in the media by yelling “CNN Sucks”.

They did it again at the Trump rally in Duluth, Minnesota last week :

The deep state within Obama’s government was more corrupt than we realized.  President Trump appointed an Attorney General [Jeff “Benedict Arnold” Sessions] who appears to be a deep state card carrying member.

Sessions brought in corrupt and conflicted attorney Rod Rosenstein to run the DOJ and another crook to lead the FBI [Christopher Wray].  Immediately, Rosenstein created the corrupt Mueller Special Counsel and then loaded it with corrupt and conflicted far-left hacks within the DOJ and FBI.

The Mueller Special Counsel is as corrupt an organization as anything seen in US history!

Together these individuals in the Deep State have attempted to unseat the President, but he has amazingly survived.

The tide is now turning and the crooks are about to be unmasked.

President Trump knows that there is still much to do to root out the corruption in the US government.  That is why he tweeted out today that much more on the Mueller witch hunt is yet to be exposed:

The upcoming months will be pivotal for the long term survival of our great nation.

The US will not survive with corrupt, conflicted and criminal individuals running our Department of Justice.

This must be cleaned up.

The 2018 election will be a vote to rid the country of the corruption. That is why Trump and Republicans will win Bigly in November.

The post The 2018 Election Will be a Referendum on Government Corruption – Because of this Trump and Republicans Will Win Again! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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