
Top Democrat Who Rigged Dem Primary Calls President Trump a “Vile Wack Job”

- Juni 11, 2018

Top Democrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz rigged the Democratic Primary against Bernie Sanders. She was a staunch Hillary supporter. It was her turn.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz stepped down as DNC Chairwoman after Wikileaks revealed her actions to rig the primary.

Wasserman Schultz is also concerned that the House investigation of her very close IT “professional” Imran Awan will come back to bite her.

Imran Awan worked for Debbie Wasserman Schultz for thirteen years since she came into office in 2004 as a Florida representative.

Imran and his two Pakistani brothers managed the IT affairs for several Democratic government officials.  They were relieved of their duties in February 2017 on suspicion that they accessed specific computer networks without permission, also known as hacking.

Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan were barred from computer networks at the House of Representatives in February 2017.

Imran Awan and his wife Alvi reportedly struck a plea deal this week.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is refusing to bring up charges against Wasserman Shultz’s IT expert Imran Awan.

The Awan brothers’ server with much of the key evidence to the case went missing this past year.

Wasserman Schultz hopes Democrats will take Congress in November so they can bury the Awan scandal.

This week Wasserman Schultz called President Trump a “vile wack job.”

The Shark Tank reported:

Wasserman Schultz once took issue with then Republican Congressman Allen West for calling her “vile and despicable” on the House floor.

Now ‘DWS’ is calling President Trump the very same offense word West called her several years back.

In front of a group of Haitian-American Democrats in Sunrise Florida, the Sun Sentinel tweeted that Wasserman Schultz urged the election of the “Democratic Congress” to “be a check on this vile wack job who is in the White House.”

If a Republican member of the U.S. Congress called President Obama a “vile wack job” Democrats like Wasserman Schultz would be asking for their scalps.

The post Top Democrat Who Rigged Dem Primary Calls President Trump a “Vile Wack Job” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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