
Trump to GOP: Forget it — Immigration Reform Requires the Coming Red Wave

- Juni 23, 2018


On Friday, President Trump told House Republicans to “stop wasting their time” on immigration bills that can’t pass due to Democratic opposition.

This comes after the House rejected the more hardline of two GOP-authored bills, the other of which is set for voting next week.

Before ballots were cast Thursday for the first proposal, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan expressed optimism, touting the superiority of something over nothing (see his comment here).

However, Trump highlighted his often-binary, ultra-pragmatist approach to getting things done:

“Republicans should stop wasting their time on Immigration until after we elect more Senators and Congressmen/women in November. Dems are just playing games, have no intention of doing anything to solves [sic] this decades old problem. We can pass great legislation after the Red Wave!”

Apparently, the President believes the “Red Wave” will wash over the current filibuster option of Senate Democrats, which Trump condemned Thursday (read all about that here).

The compromise package was set for voting Thursday as well, but it was rescheduled for Friday and then changed to next week.

According to The Washington Post, Trump called House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (the informal namesake of the failed hardline proposal), R-Va., to voice his support for the compromise bill.

But does it compromise enough? Without Democratic support, as Trump pointed out early Friday morning, it’s dead as a door nail:

“Even if we get 100% Republican votes in the Senate, we need 10 Democrat votes to get a much needed Immigration Bill — & the Dems are Obstructionists who won’t give votes for political reasons & because they don’t care about Crime coming from Border! So we need to elect more R’s!”

To see the basic components of the bills, and the voting record Thursday, go here. Stay tuned to see what, if any, changes are made to the compromise version between now and voting time.

Do you think anything can happen until the election? Do you believe in the coming red wave? Let me know in the Comments section below.

For my assessment of the way Trump maneuvers, go here.

For something entirely different, check out my article on a transgender horse jockey here.

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The post Trump to GOP: Forget it — Immigration Reform Requires the Coming Red Wave appeared first on RedState.


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