
University Pays Students to Push “Social Justice”

- Juni 05, 2018

The University of Kansas is so dedicated to “social justice” that they’re willing to pay a student to push for it, Campus Reform reports. For $9 per hour, one left-wing student is going to help the Office of Multicultural Affairs with “its overall mission of creating an inclusive campus community through social justice.”

This student will be known as a Social Justice educator and his or her job (or should I have said xir? their? I shouldn’t assume pronouns) will be to, among other things, create and/or facilitate “social justice training, workshops, and/or presentations to student organizations, classes, and/or units or groups on campus.”

The job overview states:

Student hourly position within the Office of Multicultural Affairs. The student will be a part of the Peer Education Team that will be tasked with serving as an ambassador, facilitator, and educator to the office and its overall mission of creating an inclusive campus community through social justice.

For an in-state student, the cost of attending The University of Kansas is is nearly $27,000 per year (more than $42,000 if you live out of state).  When people complain about the cost of higher education, think about the way they spend the money families spend to send their children there. They spend it on  nonsense like this. Maybe, instead, spend it on educating students on things that might help them get a job.

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