
While Justin Trudeau is bashing Trump at every opportunity…

- Juni 10, 2018

Promoted from the diaries by streiff. Promotion does not imply endorsement.

Quick quiz: Who made these comments?

  • “People seem to think that if they cross the border there’s this land of milk and honey on the other side. What we want is for people to have the right information. We want them to do the right thing for their families.”
  • “(We) are broadly supportive of immigration. But (we) truly believe in order and well-managed immigration.”
  • “Other than indigenous peoples…our country has been built on, and will continue to be built on, immigration. But if you cross the border illegally, you will be breaking the law. You will be apprehended. And after that, you will be in detention.”

Some hateful Trumpidian racist right? Well not exactly. Try Canadian spokespeople who are in CA and FL trying to convince illegal aliens to stay out of Canada.

As President Trump travels north to Canada to attend the G7 summit, Canadian officials have been heading south to try to stem a wave of undocumented immigrants headed their way.

In what has become an increasingly regular mission, Canadian representatives visited the U.S this week to warn immigrants fearful over President Trump’s immigration crackdown that they can’t simply rush north of the border to find safe haven.

The first quote was from Randy Boissonnault, a liberal member of Parliament and a special advisor to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau; the other two were from Olga Radchenko, director of parliamentary affairs for Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship.

Way to go Justin! You have mastered l’art de l’hypocrisie.

The post While Justin Trudeau is bashing Trump at every opportunity… appeared first on RedState.


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