
White House Aide Kelly ‘He’s Dying Anyway’ Sadler is Outsville

- Juni 07, 2018


Kelly Sadler, the communications aide who made light of Sen. John McCain’s brain cancer last month, has left the building. The big white building, that is.

In a statement provided by spokesman Raj Shah, Sadler’s status was made clear:

“Kelly Sadler is no longer employed within the Executive Office of the President.”

As, no doubt, most of you RedStaters recall, during a private discussion regarding Trump’s recommendation of Gina Haspel for CIA director and McCain’s opposition to her appointment, Sadler dismissed the 81-year-old decorated veteran:

“It doesn’t matter. He’s dying anyway.”

The media has rigorously attacked the Trump administration over Sadler’s comment since it was first reported by The Hill on May 10th.



According to Meghan McCain, Sadler apologized in private, promising a public concession which failed to materialize:

“When I had a conversation with Kelly, I asked her to publicly apologize and she said she would. I have not spoken to her since and I assume that it will never come.”

Despite the lack of loud contrition, McCain seems okay:

News of Sadler’s status came Tuesday, via CNN. Both Sarah Huckabee Sanders and President Trump have declined to comment.

Whether Sadler was fired or took it upon herself to exit, it is right that she is gone. This was a needlessly embarrassing incident that should have been addressed long before Tuesday.

Some may say it is inequitable to demand Sadler’s firing, while President Trump — who criticized John McCain during the 2016 presidential race for getting caught by the North Vietnamese — sits in the Oval office. However, while Trump’s comment was coarse and certainly disrespectful of the six years McCain spent as a prisoner of war, it does not seem on par with a dismissal of the man over his terminal illness.

Am I right? Please let me know in the Comments section.

And check out more on the McCain story — and the hypocritical media’s treatment of it — here.

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