
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders Responds to CBS Report About Leaving the White House

- Juni 14, 2018

CBS News reported tonight that White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders is considering leaving the White House:

CBS reported that, according to “sources inside the White House and close to the administration,” Sanders “told friends that she plans to leave the administration at the end of the year.”

The Trump White House administration has experienced significant turnover, as CBS pointed out:

Over the course of the Trump administration, the White House has consolidated its workforce, eliminating jobs and assigning multiple portfolios of responsibility to individual staffers. Some positions have never been filled. Despite the smaller number of positions, the record-setting turnover rate has not slowed. Less than halfway through Mr. Trump’s term, the turnover rate stands at 51 percent, according to the Brookings Institution. Turnover during Mr. Trump’s first year in office was 34 percent — nearly four times higher than turnover during the first year of the Obama administration.

Josh Dawsey of the Washington Post tweeted that a White House official said not to “expect movement anytime soon.”

CBS’ story says that it reached out this evening to Sanders for comment, but she declined to do so.

Less than an hour after CBS published its article, Sanders responded via Twitter:

Sanders’ tweet doesn’t exactly sound like an explicit denial, especially when the original report said she was leaving at the end of 2018 rather than any time in the next few months. But it seems difficult now to imagine anyone but Sarah Sanders as the White House Press Secretary.

The views expressed here are those of the author and do not represent those of any other individual or entity. Follow Sarah on Twitter: @sarahmquinlan.

The post White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders Responds to CBS Report About Leaving the White House appeared first on RedState.


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