Never Trumper, and EIC of The Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro, appeared on HBO’s “Real Time With Bill Maher” Friday evening and said Trump is too stupid to have colluded with Russia but if he did collude, he’s happy to see the Mueller indictments and ultimately happy to see Trump impeached.
“Collusion” isn’t even a federal crime, so there’s that.
The Mueller witch hunt is a political hit job by the Deep State. It’s riddled with conflicts of interest and a crime hasn’t even been named. Mueller’s and Rosenstein’s philosophy is ‘show me the man and I’ll find the crime.’
Obama’s corrupt FBI planted spies in Trump’s campaign in order to create a ‘Russian collusion’ narrative.
Obama’s corrupt officials illegally unmasked members of Trump’s campaign and obtained FISA warrants on Carter Page by using a fake, Hillary-funded dossier compiled by a former British spy.
Mueller’s team of corrupt, Trump-hating liberal hacks is a who’s who of Obama and Hillary donors.
The IG report revealed the same FBI agents who covered for Hillary’s crimes migrated over to ‘get Trump’ on the Russia probe, yet Ben Shapiro had the nerve to say he’s happy to see Trump impeached ‘if there’s evidence of collusion.’
There’s growing evidence McCabe altered Mike Flynn’s 302 interview summaries, so how can we trust anything these corrupt FBI agents do? They obstruct, lie, obfuscate, communicate on burner phones in order to sneak around and use their resources to target political adversaries.
To this day the FBI still has not done a forensic inspection of the DNC server so we have no proof the server was even hacked, and if hacked, by whom?
Shapiro also said if Trump ends Mueller’s witch hunt, impeachment should be on the table.
“If he throws it in the trash or quashes the Mueller investigation then, yes, impeachment should be on the table,” Shapiro said.
Never trust a Never Trumper.
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